The Treaty of Versailles

    This site is about the Treaty of Versailles which was signed after World War One.  The Treaty was discussed during the Paris Peace Conference on January 18, 1919.  This Treaty was signed at the Palace of Versailles in the Hall of Mirrors in Paris.  The Hall of Mirrors is in the Palace of Versaille which is in the picture below.  The treaty was a 20-year truce wich divided Europe and set the stage for World War Two.  There were many benefits as well as bad things that you'll read about later.

The Tabs

About The Treaty: This tab gives a  basic overview of the Treaty, its singers and the terms of theTreaty.
Histoical Impact:  This tab has the impact of history of theTreaty
Economical Impact : This tab gives the financial imapct of the Treaty
Long term Impact:  This tab gives the long term Impact of the Treaty
Short Term Imapact: This tab gives the short term imapct of the Treaty
                                                                                                                    Picture of the Palace of Versailles
                                                                                                                               The Hall of Mirrors.